We can’t serve people without people who want to serve. If we don’t answer your question here, reach us at careers@tanner.org .
You may apply for as many positions as you like. If you do not meet the minimum criteria for consideration, our recruitment team may dismiss your application for that position, but not for other positions for which you’re better suited.
It’s our intent to process all applications as quickly as possible. Generally, expect a response from us within two weeks.
We need the best, most qualified people to continue our mission. We realize compensation is necessary to attract and retain the top professionals. We regularly evaluate all the job titles across our organization to ensure our pay is competitive against local industry standards.
If you want to know specifics about the pay grade for the position for which you’re applying, reach out to your recruitment professional.
Yes. But even if you’re not the candidate for that position, don’t be discouraged; we still need you.
Applying for more than one position at a time increases the likelihood that you might be selected for more than one position. And even if we don’t have anything open now, keep applying!
It all starts with an application for the position — or positions — that best fit you.
Look through our listings and find positions for which you’re qualified. Fill out your application and upload your resume or CV. Remember, the more information you provide, the better.
Remember, we’re looking for mission-focused individuals who want to make a difference. For more than 70 years, we’ve advanced health care in our region through the dedication and skills of people like you.
If you’re selected for an interview, we’ll contact you as quickly as possible, usually within two weeks. To check your application status, please click this link to return to ADP and sign in at the top right.
Remember: if you’re declined for one job at Tanner, that doesn’t mean you’re not eligible for other jobs.
We all have one chance to make a great first impression. Starting your career doesn’t come naturally to anyone, so here’s some tips:
One-on-one interviews require a great deal of preparation. After you’ve submitted your application and have been called to set a date and time for an interview, the real planning begins.
- Here are a few tips to help you prepare for a great interview:
- Dress for success – Be clean and well-groomed. Dress appropriately for the position. Items to consider would be a solid-colored suit, matching shirt, conservative shoes and minimal jewelry. If you do not have a suit, wear something clean and conservative. Items to avoid include flip-flops, shorts, tank-tops, hats, etc.
- Research the organization and the job position – Do an online search of the company and learn as much as you can about it.
- Interview questions – Prepare for commonly asked questions. Practice describing yourself, your work performance and skills.
- During the interview – Arrive at least 10 minutes early. Make eye contact, smile and shake hands firmly with each person you meet.
- Closing the interview – Restate your interest in the position, thank the interviewer and shake hands when leaving.
- Post interview – Follow up with the interviewer by sending a thank-you letter within a day or two of the interview.
Questions can be directed to careers@tanner.org